Tuesday, 6 August 2013

I.T Park

This would be another word-y post because I was too lazy to bring my camera with me to IT since I was already carrying a laptop bag with me to Serenitea.

It was a pretty funny milk tea sesh since I was seated next to some teenage conyos (not saying that I can be conyo at times) but their topics were pretty funny for their age. I kept thinking SRSLY? hahaha. I mean for teens in highschool they talk about their love lives like it's such a big deal and their number on epriority but hey, I don't know them personally so who am I to judge?

Anyway, enough of the rant and blabber. IM at Serenitea to make a midterm plate with a friend but instead i'm here just browsing he internet, researching, blogging and other whatnots. So I should just end this post to stop myself from ranting again. Heee :>

Teehee :3

Monday, 5 August 2013

Falling Back

Oh dear lawd. I forgot to post my haul and my weekend outfit -.- I'm falling back to skipping days </3 but hey at least I blog more frequently now. So today, I dint really have a good day but at least I had fun with my team mates during our shoot for our Intramurals in 2 weeks! Will be posting the pictures as soon as they're out :> Promise! :)

Teehee :3

Friday, 2 August 2013


Damn! I forgot to post :\ This is becoming an every other day blog :< ugh. I'm too busy with school to notice these things -_- Hence this very ugly rushed picture ._.

Excuse my ugly nails ;-; And the clutter behind me ;-;

I'm reading this book for the third time already and it still makes me cry :'( I highly recommend you read it though :) It changes the way you see the world. This is the only thing I did that is worth posting today :)

teehee :3

Thursday, 1 August 2013


Exactly how I feel right now.
The picture doesn't really relate to anything. Posting for the sake of not skipping a day.

I might post the haul on the weekend :>

Teehee :3